Questions tagged [inclination]

Inclination defines the angle between the plane of the orbit of a planet or comet and another plane, usually that of the ecliptic.

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7 votes
2 answers

Why aren't there eclipses every month when the moon's orbit is aligned with the ecliptic as a result of lunar precession?

I can understand why we don't have eclipses every month when the inclinations of the ecliptic plane and the moon's orbital plane are different. But the inclination of the moon's orbital plane changes ...
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43 votes
2 answers

Why is our solar system "tipped" about 63° with respect to the plane of our galaxy?

Our own solar system is "tipped" by about 63 degrees with respect to the plane of the galaxy. Has it ever been researched or is there any scientific theory which could explain the reason why our solar ...
e-sushi's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

why does pluto have a high orbital inclination

Pluto has a high orbital inclination compared to the planets in our solar system. What has caused Pluto to have such a different orbit -- was it always like this, or did something happen to make it ...
Tara's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I calculate the inclination of an object with an amateur telescope?

Suppose I would like to calculate the inclination of a satellite from the ecliptic. Would it be possible to do this with an amateur telescope? How would I go about doing so? Note: A good answer ...
called2voyage's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why do most planets remain within a few degrees from the ecliptic?

Why do planets, just like our moon, have their sidereal paths almost the same (with only slight deviation) as that of the ecliptic? Is it mere coincidence? Or is there a better solution? This question ...
Cuckoo Beats's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Inclination of planets

Why do the planets have roughly the same inclination with respect to Earth? Looking at the inclinations, which I got from, we see that Mercury has ...
Euler....IS_ALIVE's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the magnitude of variation of Earth's orbital inclination?

Please excuse if this has been asked and I just didn't find it. I have found several references that indicate that the inclination of Earth's orbit varies over a period of ~70,000 years, but I can't ...
MasonChane's user avatar