Questions tagged [meteor]

Questions on objects passing through the atmosphere which leave visible wakes of incandescent material.

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Can a meteor streak exhibit different colors denoting presence of more than1 element?

A meteoroid's elemental composition can be determined by the color it exhibits while burning in the earth's atmosphere which we also call a "meteor". However, is it possible that a meteor ...
Dhruv Nayak's user avatar
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Have any meteoroids been detected before they reached the Earth's atmosphere?

Once a meteoroid starts burning up in the atmosphere, it becomes a visible meteor. Have any meteoroids been detected before they started to burn in the atmosphere? If yes, what is the ballpark ...
usernumber's user avatar
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Was NASA's 2007 attempt to see helions during a solar eclipse successful? What instruments were used?

This answer about Sun-grazing comets led me eventually to Wikipedia's Helion (meteoroid), which has a one-sentence long article: A Helion meteoroid is a meteoroid that arrives from the approximate ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is the average Ni-Fe crystal length in iron meteorites?

Iron-core meteorites display an awesome criss-cross pattern known as the Widmanstätten pattern, shown below: (photo by Dr. Patrick M. Len, taken from Wikipedia) I TA for an intro-level astronomy/...
jvriesem's user avatar
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Meteor Triangulation

I´m looking for literature and examples on the subject of meteor triangulation. For example, graphical representation and calculation of a meteor orbit observed from two different geographical ...
Robert's user avatar
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What is a "rare earthgrazer" and why might I see one during the Perseids "earlier in the night" moving slow, across the horizon?

I clicked on a Yahoo News link How to watch the Perseids — the best meteor shower of the year and saw the following sentence: The meteors are very fast and bright, regularly leaving long tails of ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Observed meteors on Venus?

In an article on Venus by JPL from 1996 I read Due to the dense Venusian atmosphere, primary impact craters of less than a 3 kilometer (2 mile) diameter are nonexistent. I am now wondering whether ...
B--rian's user avatar
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Meteor size and frequency distribution for Earth vs. moon or other planets?

I struggle to find an answer to the at-first-sight simple question if or how the size distribution and frequency distribution of incoming rocks hitting the ground or the atmosphere vary from Earth, to ...
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