Questions tagged [solar-flare]

Questions regarding a sudden brightness increase due to the release of magnetic energy from the sun.

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Would the magnetotail protect astronauts caught outside during a solar flare enough for their safety?

If a solar flare occurred during a lunar mission (bearing in mind that in routine one-week lunar missions the astronauts are protected from solar radiation by Earth's magnetotail) would the ...
Mark Besser's user avatar
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Solar flare charge?

Does a solar flare and/or accompanying coronal mass ejection have a net electrical charge? If so, positive or negative? And how much might that charge affect the Earth’s total net electrical ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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Visibility of solar flaring region from Jupiter

I numerically calculated the following numbers. The geocentric longitude of the Sun on 25 November 1999 at 00:00 UT was 243.52 degrees (numerically calculated with an error of 1 degree). On this date (...
Smarty's user avatar
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