I have watched the following video (How Earth Moves by Vsauce) regarding how earth moves:
Here are some screenshots:
I have some questions:
- Does the earth spiral around the sun's path as it is shown in the video (exact time is 19:49) and screenshots? Is the spiraling movement caused by sun movement (on its path shown above) where the sun is dragging the earth (and other planets).
- Does the earth go in front of the sun then back, then fourth and back like it is shown on the video? I see both the sun and earth racing with each overtaking the other over and over. Is this assumption true? In this manner, would earth, at one point in time, be closer to the destination where the solar system is heading (I think they call the destination Vega) than the sun?
- I am working on a poetry piece. If I mention that earth and sun are locked in a never ending race with each taking the lead (earth moving in front of the sun's path / winning) and earth actually dropping out of the race (spiraling/moving out the race and falling behind), that they are destined to never meet (collide), would I be correct?
P.S. My knowledge of astronomy/physics is very limited. I have tried my best to be as clear as possible. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks.