I've imported the HYG Database from http://www.astronexus.com/node/34 and now I need to convert all RA/dec stars positions to fit in a WGS 84 coordinates (SRID=4326) PostGIS map (-180 to 180, 90 to -90).
BayerFlamsteed ProperName RA DEC
21Alp And Alpheratz 0.13976888 29.09082805
11Bet Cas Caph 0.15280269 59.15021814
88Gam Peg Algenib 0.22059721 15.18361593
Alp Phe Ankaa 0.43801871 -42.30512197
18Alp Cas Shedir 0.67510756 56.53740928
16Bet Cet Diphda 0.7264523 -17.98668410
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EDIT: Ok, I think MerseyViking gives the answer in https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/2459/what-coordinate-system-should-be-used-to-store-geography-data-for-celestial-coor telling to create a new coordinate system. Can someone give a look and some opinion?
EDIT 2 (After answered): Fantastic!! I need to show the results of whuber and Dieudonné's answer. The first picture I show the query in QGIS. In second picture you can see the real positions in a map. The scale is different - Find Shaula, Nunki and Antares.
This is the conversion method ('H' is for Hyparcus in my database):
insert into stars
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint( (-ra * 15), dec),4326),
from hygn
where (proper_name is not null)