Each time I look at a shadow cast by a sunlit object it seems as if the shadow doesn't move at all. But if I look at it after say 5 minutes, I can notice that the shadow has actually moved a bit. This allows to say "yes, the Sun has moved in the sky". But this doesn't make it all that obvious that "the Sun is continuously moving all the time".
So I'd like to make some optical configuration which would allow me to watch a spot of sunlight or a shadow moving much faster — say, 1 mm/s — still being from the Sun, not from an artificial light source. I've tried doing this with a cylindrical silvery surface like that of a kitchen rail system, sticking black tape on it and leaving only a lateral strip of reflecting surface, then then letting Sun rays to hit it almost tangentially, and to observe the reflection. But either this doesn't give good enough magnification to make Sun's motion apparent, or the reflected spot just becomes too faint for the naked eye.
So, what can I do to effectively magnify angular motion of the Sun to observe it (almost) directly at the scale of seconds? I's OK if it could be visible for e.g. a minute and required me to adjust my instrument to view the next piece of motion. But I'd like to do it as simply as possible, without too expensive hardware.