Where was this photo of Nancy Grace Roman taken, what is the display shown, is there any technical information on this display and where is it now? If this is a NASA photo then there should be an original ID or catalog number and hopefully explanation, but it may not be a NASA photo.
I spotted this in Nancy Roman Telescope’s Primary 2.4-Meter Mirror is Ready when looking for background information related to the question What “improvements in technology” allowed the primary mirror of RST (WFIRST) to be less than 1/4 the weight of Hubble's?
Source which links to this higher resolution version
See also
The display is shown when the narration says:
Nancy followed her dream and became a professional astronomer, working in the new discipline of radio astronomy. And in 1961 she became the first chief of astronomy in the office of Space Science at NASA.
I'm guessing that this display is for the position and other information for a radio telescope, but if so, which one?