I'd like to find or generate a map that will be useful for someone with an 8° FOV pair of binoculars to locate the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi.
As linked in The Observatory Science alert's Epic Nova Eruption From Rare Star Is So Bright You Can See It With The Naked Eye tells us that it is currently about magnitude 4.5.
That links to this tweet
Taken by Ernesto Guido, Marco Rocchetto & Adriano Valvasori on August 9, 2021 @ Remotely from Australia through TELESCOPE LIVE network https://telescope.live recurrent nova RS Oph is in Outburst. The last large outburst of RS Oph occurred in Feb. 2006, →
Question: How can I find or generate a binocular-friendly star map to find the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi?
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