I first asked this at Stack Overflow but got redirected here
I am making a 2d simulation of the solar system. For that you need a starting point for all planets. Right now I am storing that data in this form (ignore the color
, radius
, mass
and Max_Trail_Length
columns as they are cosmetics for the model):
Name | Color (RGB) | Radius (km) | Mass (kg) | Distance (AU) | Velocity (m/s) | Direction (radians) | Max_Trail_Length |
Sun | (255, 255, 0) | 6963400 | 1.98847e+30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Mercury | (255, 0, 0) | 2440 | 3.3011e+23 | 0.393 | 47362 | pi / 2 | 200 |
Venus | (255, 165, 0) | 6052 | 4.8675e+24 | 0.723 | 35021.4 | pi / 2 | 600 |
Earth | (0, 0, 255) | 6371 | 5.9722e+24 | 1 | 29784.8 | pi / 2 | 800 |
Mars | (255, 0, 0) | 3390 | 6.4171e+23 | 1.52 | 24130.8 | pi / 2 | 2000 |
Jupiter | (255, 222, 173) | 69911 | 1.8982e+27 | 5.203 | 13070 | pi / 2 | 10000 |
Saturn | (210, 180, 140) | 58232 | 5.6834e+26 | 9.737 | 9690 | pi / 2 | 20000 |
Uranus | (0, 0, 128) | 25362 | 8.681e+25 | 19.61 | 6810 | pi / 2 | 50000 |
Neptune | (0, 0, 255) | 24622 | 1.02413e+26 | 29.897 | 5430 | pi / 2 | 200000 |
As you can see, the direction is the same, so all planets are aligned, and the distance and velocity data is just the average.
For the record, I do not plan to make this into a 3d model, even though it would mitigate this problem entirely.
I want to collect real data from a date (January 1. 1750) using astropy
, however when i collect the position and velocity using pos, vel = coordinates.get_body_barycentric_posvel(name, time)
from astropy
), I get 3d data, as you can expect. But I want to convert it into data similar as I at the moment have.
I can't seem to do it right, as flattening the z axis doesn't work (I though it might be ignored at first as the solar system is relatively flat).
Here is the code I have right now for collecting this data.
import csv
import os
import numpy as np
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
# FIXME: Temporary wrong solution
def transform_data(pos, vel):
pos = coord.CartesianRepresentation(pos.x, pos.y, 0 * u.au)
vel = coord.CartesianDifferential(vel.x, vel.y, 0 * u.au / u.s)
vel = vel.norm().to(u.m / u.s).value
dist = pos.norm().to(u.AU).value
return dist, vel
def get_path():
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
data_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'data')
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'solsystem_data_1750.csv')
return file_path
def process_data(time, writer):
for name in ['Sun', 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune']:
pos, vel = coord.get_body_barycentric_posvel(name, time)
dist, vel = transform_data(pos, vel)
angle = np.arctan2(pos.y, pos.x).value
writer.writerow([name, f'{dist:.5f}', f'{vel:.5f}', f'{angle:.5f}'])
def main():
time = Time('1970-01-01') # TODO: Change to 1750-01-01, but 1750 is a dubious year
file_path = get_path()
with open(file_path, 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(['Name', 'Distance (AU)', 'Velocity (m/s)', 'Direction (radians)'])
process_data(time, writer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to know if I can either modify my transform_data
function, or collect the data in some sort of other way.
I couldn't find any 2d data from astropy
, and I haven't found a way to convert the coordinates in a good way yet. I researched some alternatives to astropy
, like just collecting the data from NASA's Horizons System, however I there run into the same problem of flattening the data.