I have a basic refractor telescope. It's pretty light and so it catches vibrations and they never really settle down. Can I attach some dampers on it to cushion these?
2 Answers
It depend where vibration are. Often (if you have a good mount for the telescope) all the structure vibrate and there are some good anti-vibration feet that can be useful. If the tripod isn't the problem and the vibration are only near the telescope, probably the problem is the mount that is under-sized for you telescope. In this case the only good way is change the mount with a sturdier one.
Depending on the root cause, vibration damping pads may or may not help. Some telescope vendors sell sets of three for $50 or so; an Internet search also yields a few do-it-yourself recipes using silicone caulk, sorbothane insoles, etc. Other home remedies are possible, such as adding weight or shims to the mount, or hanging a chain from the optical tube assembly.