I'm looking for any exoplanet nomenclature, official, semi-official, proposed, or just a good idea, beyond what can already be found on Wikipedia at
Or via the obvious Google searches.
This is a vaguely sci-fi related request. Lowercase Latin alphabet isn't going to do it once we get out there, and I like the proposal for Greece-roman mythology but there are simply too many planets now, and will be more over time.
As a side issue I'm already familiar with Ian Banks Culture addressing nomenclature, so I accept that humanity being what it is, we can expect about a hundred or so "Vulcan" orbiting various different stars, much as there are 37 "Greenville"s in the USA, currently.
A pointer to a really great fictional idea or naming scheme aside from the schemes mentioned about might be useful.
Interesting technical (non literary) naming schemes beyond the most obvious and trivial ordinal systems could be interesting.