
I'm developing a telescope controller open-source application. I started this project with a very little knowledge of Astronomy. Basically, the app is going to send data to telescope over a wireless connection.

Data of the celestial object is as follow:

["SAO#": 308,
"HD": 8890,
"Con": "Alpha Ursae Minoris",
"StarName": "Polaris",
"RAH": 2,
"RAM": 31.812,
"DED": 89,
"DEM": 15.85,
"Mag": 2.02,
"PRA": 0.038,
"PDec": -0.015]

RAH = RA hours, RAM = RA minutes,
DED = Dec degrees, DEM = Dec minutes

(PRA and PDec are the drift of the star in arc-seconds per year (from the catalog Epoch J2000.0). I don't need to use these in the app, that I'm told.)

The controller server (data receiver) accepts in this format:
Set target RA- HH:MM:SS,
Set target Dec- DD:MM:SS,
Set target Azm- DDD:MM:SS,
Set target Alt- DD:MM:SS

I would want to convert the given celestial object data to Ra, Dec, Azm, Alt.

I'm told that:

RA = ((RAH + (RAM / 60.0)) * 15.0); //in degrees, RA is an earthly longitude projected onto the sky
DEC = (DED + (DEM / 60.0)); //in degrees, Dec is an earthly latitude projected onto the sky

For a star or other celestial object from the catalogs they have a fixed Epoch (J2000.) I need to apply a correction for precession/nutation (wobble of the Earth's axis of rotation) to get a half decent estimate of the star's RA/Dec "now".

I'm using a code library that seems to have support for this and does the calculation on it own.
I would want to know the procedure of the data conversion from equatorial coordinates to horizontal including. For an instance this is how the code works:

    let jd = Date().julianDay
    let RAH = 2.0
    let RAM = 31.812
    let DED = 89.0
    let DEM = 15.85

    let eqCoor = EquatorialCoordinates.init(rightAscension: Hour((RAH+(RAM/60.0))*15.0), declination: (Degree(DED+(DEM/60.0))), epoch: Epoch.J2000, equinox: Equinox.standardJ2000)
    let annualAbb = eqCoor.correctedForAnnualAberration(julianDay: jd, highPrecision: true)
    let initEQ = AstronomicalObject.init(name: "Polaris", coordinates: annualAbb, julianDay: jd, highPrecision: true)
    print("EquatorialCoordinates -> RA(α):", initEQ.equatorialCoordinates.alpha, "DEC(δ):", initEQ.equatorialCoordinates.delta) 

    let userLocation = GeographicCoordinates(positivelyWestwardLongitude: Degree(.plus, 75, 51, 13.65), latitude: Degree(.plus, 30, 54, 43.55), altitude: 256)
    print("User Location -> Latitude:", userLocation.latitude, "Longitude:", userLocation.longitude)

    let preccCoor = annualAbb.precessedCoordinates(to: Equinox.standardJ2000)
    let horizontalCoor = preccCoor.makeHorizontalCoordinates(for: userLocation, at: jd)
    print("Horizontal Coordinates -> Azimuth:", horizontalCoor.azimuth.inHours, "Altitude:", horizontalCoor.altitude.inRadians.inDegrees)

This is the data that code returns:

EquatorialCoordinates -> RA(α): +37h56m06.009s DEC(δ): +89°16'05.165"
User Location -> Latitude: +30°54'43.550" Longitude: +75°51'13.650"
Horizontal Coordinates -> Azimuth: +12h1m07.396s Altitude: +30°13'16.650"

Here's the data from Stellarium according to the same location as my code.

enter image description here

The data calculated from my code is not even close to the one from Stellarium except apparent altitude.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Brief thoughts (not an answer): your RA should be modded by 24h, since 37h isn't a valid RA. Also, it seems to be off by almost exactly 12h suggesting a quadrant error (most formulas for this purpose use the arctan and are careful to use the two-argument form, since the one argument form yields off-by-12h errors). Your azimuth also seems off by 12h, probably for the same reason. And, your azimuth should really be in degrees, not hours. Finally, with a declination near 90 degrees, even slight precession can throw off your RA. Try testing with objects closer to the equator. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 19:58

1 Answer 1


I couldn’t really figure out the way to get RA Dec from the data mentioned. I ended up using a catalog that already has RA Dec of objects.


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