I wrote a program based on this tutorial: http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/ppcomp.html to calculate altitude and azimuth of a celestial object. When I compare the calculated RA/Dec values to the ones from Stellarium, they are very accurate. But when I compare the Alt/Az values to the ones from Stellarium, there is an error of about 2 degrees! I use the following method to calculate Alt, Az:
GMST0 = Ls + 180_degrees # Ls = Sun's longitude
LST = GMST + local_longitude
x = cos(HA) * cos(Decl)
y = sin(HA) * cos(Decl)
z = sin(Decl)
xhor = x * sin(lat) - z * cos(lat)
yhor = y
zhor = x * cos(lat) + z * sin(lat)
az = atan2( yhor, xhor ) + 180_degrees
alt = asin( zhor ) = atan2( zhor, sqrt(xhor*xhor+yhor*yhor) )
Some specific example:
Test date 15.09.2018, time 15:00 UT Planet: Mercury
Coordinates: +47.55777777° +8.89888888
What stellarium says:
RA = 11h 18m 13.26s
Dec = +6°25'08.5"
Az = +250°21'13.2"
Alt = +25°25'00.1"
What my program says:
RA = 11h 18m 14s
Dec = 6° 25' 6.59"
Az = +248° 49' 6.9"
Alt = +26° 33' 16.43"
Thanks in advance!