I want to draw a Sun in a 3d scene, so I figured the easiest way would be to calculate the latitude and longitude of the point perpendicular to Sun position and then just move it "up".
As a starting point, I want to calculate it's equatorial coordinates: declination and right ascension.
I followed instructions from this page, also cross-referencing with this one
Here's my code (in Swift):
import Foundation
class Astronomy {
static func julianDays(since: Date) -> Double {
return since.timeIntervalSince1970 / 86400 + 2440587.5
static func daysSinceJ2000(for date: Date) -> Double {
return julianDays(since: date) - 2451545
static func sunAxialTilt(for daysSinceJ200: Double) -> Double {
return 23.4393 - 3.563e-7 * daysSinceJ200
static func sunEquatorialPosition(on date: Date) -> (declination: Double, RA: Double, distance: Double) {
let daysSinceGreenwichNoon = daysSinceJ2000(for: date)
var meanLongitude = 280.460 + 0.9856474*daysSinceGreenwichNoon
var meanAnomaly = 357.528 + 0.9856003*daysSinceGreenwichNoon
meanLongitude = meanLongitude.rangedUpTo360
meanAnomaly = meanAnomaly.rangedUpTo360
let eclipticLongitude = meanLongitude + 1.915*sin(meanAnomaly.radians) + 0.020*sin(2*meanAnomaly.radians)
let distanceToEarth = 1.00014 - 0.01671*cos(meanAnomaly.radians) - 0.00014*cos(2*meanAnomaly.radians)
let axialTilt = sunAxialTilt(for: daysSinceGreenwichNoon)
let rightAscension = atan2(cos(axialTilt.radians)*sin(eclipticLongitude.radians), cos(eclipticLongitude.radians))
let declination = asin(sin(axialTilt.radians)*sin(eclipticLongitude.radians))
return (declination: declination.degrees, RA: rightAscension.degrees, distance: distanceToEarth)
extension Double {
var radians: Double {
return self * .pi / 180
var degrees: Double {
return self * 180 / .pi
var rangedUpTo360: Double {
let multiples = (self/360).rounded(.down)
return self - 360*multiples
However, it does not seem to be working correctly. As of the time I write this article, the result is declination -16.98772292697088, RA -44.80674952684117
. Compared with https://theskylive.com/sun-info the declination is about right (-17° 03’ 38”), but right ascension is way off: 20h 59m 43s, which is 314.93 degrees according to this site
What went wrong?
Edit: As it turned out nothing was wrong, I can get to the second part: calculating the geographical point. (the title suggests it after all)
AFAIK for latitude, I can use declination as is and for longitude, I need to calculate Greenwich Hour Angle(GHA)
After examining several articles, I found these equations:
SHA[°] = 360 – 15 · RA[h]
GHAAries[°] = 15 · GST[h]
GHA = SHA + GHAAries
For my case, I suppose I may use RA as is, without multiplying its hour component by 15. What keeps me a bit puzzled is GST:
- May I use Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time instead if I don't need the calculations to be super precise?
- Is there any "GST for dummies"? All the calculations I found rely on some floating second offset, I found this table but have no idea how to use it.