So I am trying to write a research paper (about 3700 words) for high school about the topic "The dominance of Gravity vs Strength and its dependency on crater size" or something similar.
I have found the following information which I am struggling to understand and has been holding me back from continuing the research : (Can someone explain what dominance is and how can I approach reading more about this topic?)
- Making a crater requires both material strength of the target and gravity to be overcome.
- which of these dominates depends on the size of the crater
$$ \rho g d = \frac{1}{5} \rho g D = Y $$
Where Y is the yield strength, ρ is density of the target material, d is the crater's depth and D is its diameter.
A related graph to this topic is this (Holsapple 1993) :
So please, can someone explain what all this means in simple terms ?