I am struggling to find out an information about how to determine ascending/descending cycle of the Moon.
I can find from this source and a bunch of others, that Moon begins to descend when reaches Gemini and minimum when reaches Sagittarius.
I tried to do a simple comparison using flatlib library:
from flatlib import const
from flatlib.datetime import Datetime
from flatlib.geopos import GeoPos
from flatlib.chart import Chart
d1 = Datetime("2020/1/21")
d2 = Datetime("2020/1/22")
d3 = Datetime("2020/1/23")
pos = GeoPos('50n06', '14e24') #I concentrate to a specific place on northern hemisphere
c1 = Chart(d1, pos)
c2 = Chart(d2, pos)
c3 = Chart(d3, pos)
m1 = c1.get(const.MOON)
m2 = c2.get(const.MOON)
m3 = c3.get(const.MOON)
Which prints:
Moon Sagittarius +14:07:19 +13:16:13
Moon Sagittarius +27:17:06 +13:03:28
Moon Capricorn +10:14:25 +12:51:13
Am I right that moon is ascending during these days (21-23rd Jan 2020) as it moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn and further to Gemini?
I am aware of this answer, but I am not exactly sure if it deals with same problematics.