The OP's clarifying comment under the question offers an opportunity to examine further:
Do meteoroids really get that slow? I estimate its speed at about 1/6 that of a typical shower meteor.
The apparent or angular speed of an object in the upper atmosphere depends on several things, including
- the actual linear speed in say km/sec
- the distance from observer to the object
- the cosine of the angle between the direction of motion and direction to object (i.e. the dot product of the normals of those vectors); if it's moving straight towards you the angular speed is zero.
The linear speed of meteors with respect to Earth is a function of the orbital speeds of both objects. See the (currently unanswered) question How to calculate the position of a meteor shower's radiant point based on its associated comet's orbit? and links therein. Just for example if the meteor shower is associated with a comet in a circular orbit at 1 AU with an inclination of 90 degrees (a "polar orbit") then the relative speed is
$$\sqrt{2} \sqrt{G M_{Sun}/1 \text{AU}} \sim 29.7 \sqrt{2} \text{ km/s} \approx 42 \text{ km/s.}$$
Speeds of meteors relative to Earth can theoretically be somewhat higher or much lower than this. So despite 42 being an aesthetic number let's just us 30 km/s for a typical value.
The orbital speed of a spacecraft at 100 km above the Earth before drag stars slowing it down is
$$ \sqrt{G M_{Earth}/(6378+100) \text{km}} \approx 7.8 \text{ km/s.}$$
Since both are roughy at the same distance, a burning reentry might appear to move (in angular velocity) four to six times faster than a small bit of space junk burning up.
That ratio could be reduced if the meteor was sighted near the radiant point, where it will appear to move much more slowly by a factor of the cosine of the angle mentioned above.
So in some cases a meteor might appear to move the same speed as a bit of reentering junk, but in that case the trail will be very short, it will not cross the sky. From the OP's question it sounds like the motion was much larger than a few degrees so we can rule this out.
But what if the comet associated with the meteor was moving in an orbit nearly tangent to Earth's with a similar to velocity to that of Earth at the intersection point (i.e. low inclination)?
There can't be absurdly slow slow meteors like that because of Earth's gravity. An object moving nearly the same as Earth will accelerate as it gets closer to Earth. $v_{escape} = \sqrt{2} v_{orbit}$ means even a co-orbiting object will reach almost 10 km/s by the time it enters the atmosphere. And I don't know of any meteor showers associated with comments who's orbits fit this description.
Most likely it was space junk. Bits and pieces reenter regularly so while it's not common to see, from time to time people see it. And soon some people may pay to see it on demand!