I post another answer because I think it should work better for you.
Since I read in one your comment that you “only need a few years past and (mostly) future from 2021” and that you need “at least one-hour accuracy”, here’s my proposed method.
I still don't know how many years you really need, but the following table shows the perihelia and aphelia with a 1-second formal accuracy and I claim that the result is authoritative because I did the calculations with the SPICE library (published by the authoritative NAIF team) using the DE440 ephemeris (published by the authoritative JPL):
1990-01-04 17:22:34 1990-07-04 05:04:03
1991-01-03 02:59:07 1991-07-06 15:26:27
1992-01-03 15:02:25 1992-07-03 12:06:58
1993-01-04 03:03:46 1993-07-04 22:20:50
1994-01-02 05:54:11 1994-07-05 19:16:43
1995-01-04 11:05:21 1995-07-04 02:16:43
1996-01-04 07:24:51 1996-07-05 18:59:52
1997-01-01 23:16:02 1997-07-04 19:19:20
1998-01-04 21:15:00 1998-07-03 23:50:13
1999-01-03 13:00:09 1999-07-06 22:50:46
2000-01-03 05:17:41 2000-07-03 23:48:55
2001-01-04 08:52:15 2001-07-04 13:37:08
2002-01-02 14:08:45 2002-07-06 03:46:47
2003-01-04 05:01:44 2003-07-04 05:39:38
2004-01-04 17:41:57 2004-07-05 10:53:43
2005-01-02 00:35:17 2005-07-05 04:57:52
2006-01-04 15:29:38 2006-07-03 23:09:59
2007-01-03 19:42:57 2007-07-06 23:52:35
2008-01-02 23:51:08 2008-07-04 07:40:54
2009-01-04 15:29:40 2009-07-04 01:40:19
2010-01-03 00:09:16 2010-07-06 11:29:58
2011-01-03 18:32:00 2011-07-04 14:53:59
2012-01-05 00:31:51 2012-07-05 03:32:16
2013-01-02 04:37:35 2013-07-05 14:44:24
2014-01-04 11:58:36 2014-07-04 00:13:28
2015-01-04 06:36:11 2015-07-06 19:40:23
2016-01-02 22:48:48 2016-07-04 16:24:14
2017-01-04 14:17:50 2017-07-03 20:11:22
2018-01-03 05:34:44 2018-07-06 16:46:47
2019-01-03 05:20:00 2019-07-04 22:10:49
2020-01-05 07:47:56 2020-07-04 11:34:44
2021-01-02 13:50:35 2021-07-05 22:27:26
2022-01-04 06:54:39 2022-07-04 07:10:44
2023-01-04 16:17:28 2023-07-06 20:06:39
2024-01-03 00:38:37 2024-07-05 05:06:04
2025-01-04 13:28:07 2025-07-03 19:54:43
2026-01-03 17:15:39 2026-07-06 17:30:39
2027-01-03 02:32:46 2027-07-05 05:05:50
2028-01-05 12:28:23 2028-07-03 22:18:06
2029-01-02 18:13:34 2029-07-06 05:11:55
2030-01-03 10:12:35 2030-07-04 12:57:43
2031-01-04 20:47:53 2031-07-06 07:10:07
2032-01-03 05:11:22 2032-07-05 11:53:37
2033-01-04 11:51:21 2033-07-03 20:51:59
2034-01-04 04:46:59 2034-07-06 18:49:15
2035-01-03 00:54:15 2035-07-05 18:21:43
2036-01-05 14:17:09 2036-07-03 21:17:32
2037-01-03 04:00:33 2037-07-06 12:05:28
2038-01-03 05:01:32 2038-07-04 19:46:07
2039-01-05 06:41:38 2039-07-05 13:25:17
2040-01-03 11:32:51 2040-07-05 19:01:46
2041-01-03 21:52:01 2041-07-04 01:38:34
The only non-authoritative thing is the code I wrote to do the calculations, but it’s so simple and I tested it against known results that I can claim that the table is authoritative without any doubt.
But you may think that I am the biggest troll in the world who is here only to waste his time with you, so you are totally legitimate to double check that table.
Then we use again WebGeocalc to verify my claim.
Click “Position Finder”
Kernel selection: you should use DE440 to obtain exactly my values, but you could probably leave it empty
Target: 399 (we are absolutely sure that it’s the Earth and not the Earth-Moon barycenter)
Observer: SUN
Reference frame: J2000
Light propagation: none (geometric state)
Input time: choose the format you like
Start time and Stop time: you may want to verify the distance a few hours before and after my tabulated times; for the perihelion of the year 2041 you could put 2041-01-03, 2041-01-04 12:00 with a 10-minute time step.
Coordinate system: Rectangular
Coordinate condition: Distance is local minimum
Press “Calculate” and you should see: 2041-01-03 21:52:01... UTC
You may want to check a few rows just to realize that I’m not a stupid troll and that my table is authoritative for the reasons I already wrote.
Here's the C++ code to do the calculations:
furnsh_c(NAIF_DIR"naif0012.tls.pc"); // Leap seconds
furnsh_c(NAIF_DIR"pck00010.tpc"); // Reference frames
furnsh_c(NAIF_DIR"de440.bsp"); // Ephemeris
const int TGT= 399; // Target body
const int start= 1990, end= 2040; // Years
for(int i= start-1; i < end; i++) {
double a; char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "%d-12-15", i); str2et_c(buf, &a);
for(int j= 0; j < 2; j++) {
double b= a + 30 * 86400, pos[3], lt;
while(1) {
double c = b - (b - a) / 1.9; spkgps_c(TGT, c, "J2000", 10, pos, <); double fc= vnorm_c(pos);
double d = a + (b - a) / 1.9; spkgps_c(TGT, d, "J2000", 10, pos, <); double fd= vnorm_c(pos);
if(j == 0) { if(fc < fd) b = d; else a = c; } // Perihelion
else { if(fc > fd) b = d; else a = c; } // Aphelion
if(b - a < .1) break; // Uncertainty [s]
timout_c((a+b)/2, "YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC ::UTC ::RND", sizeof(buf), buf);
printf("%s", buf); if(j == 0) printf(" ");
a += 180 * 86400;
it's a simple Golden-section search: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden-section_search to find the minimum and the maximum Earth-Sun distance.
After you have created the table, you need an interpolation algorithm to calculate the formula. I use the Levenberg Marquardt Least Squares Fitting algorithm: https://github.com/mattjr/structured/blob/master/CMVS-PMVS/program/thirdParty/lmfit-3.2/doc/lmfit.pod, but it's not that easy to use, it will take some time to figure out how to use it.