
The AAVSO website has a page for observers with binoculars. On this page, there is a table with stars of interest, and the period of each variable is indicated. However, the unit for the period is not.

First line of the table:

Name N/S AUID Coords Const Type Period Mag Min FOV/ Lim Mag

EG And North 000-BBC-010 00 44 37.19 And ZAND+E 482.57 6.97 - 7.8 V 180 arcmin/ 9.5

So EG And has a period of 482.57. But what is the unit for the period?


1 Answer 1


Based on a few stars that I recognize (omicron Ceti, R Aqr) the period is in units of days. The period for these types of stars is often on the order of one year.

The precision is misleading. I assume the high "precision" is based on the number of days divided by multiple cycles; in other words, it is a long term average. The period for individual cycles will vary.


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