In stscl page, apparent magnitude is defined as $$m=-2.5\log{\frac{{\rm DN}}{{\rm EXPTIME}}}+{\rm ZEROPOINT}\ ,$$, DN is Data number (I cannot understand what is meant by 'Data number'... they said it is 'one count', but count of what?).
Because I want to know why the magnitude is defined like this, I tried to derive it from Pogson's formula: $$m_1 - m_2 = -2.5log_{10}{\frac{F_1}{F_2}}, m_1 = m, m_2 = {\rm ZEROPOINT}\ , $$ $$m = -2.5log_{10}{\frac{F}{F_{\rm ZEROPOINT}}} + {\rm ZEROPOINT}\ .$$
So I want to ask, Why $F = DN\times F_{\rm ZEROPOINT}={\rm EXPTIME}$?
I think it's strange because I thought $F_1$ is the flux of object 1 and $F_2$ is flux of the calibration object (like Vega's flux).