Hello I am trying to convert my Horizontal coordinate system dataset into Equatorial coordinate system. However, it seems that all the information from the internet is different.
I will use symbols as following
θ : (Observer's) Longitude (I am not going to use it now, but required to get LST)
φ : (Observer's) Latitude
A : azimuth
a : altitude (or zenith)
α : R.A.
δ : declination
h : hour angle (Not going to use it now, but required to calculate R.A.)
t : LST (Local Sidereal Time, required to calculate R.A.)
Also, I will just write down formula for the declination because I think I am stuck with this.
First, from Wikipedia,
Next, from the University of St. Andrews (I guess this is one of the British institution?)
From an YouTube page, (Watch from 5:45)
I think I just have to use arcsine to get declination, however, they all suggests me different formula. The more frustrating is that they don't seem to match with example dataset which I have. Can anyone tell me what would be the correct formula? Or am I missing something like definition in domain?