I suppose it depends on your definition of "simple", but I would say "No".
Kepler simulations
A solar system is simple because you have one dominating mass with orbiting masses that can, at least to first order, be modeled as mass-less. If you neglect the planets' masses, you can in fact calculate analytically their positions at any time, using Kepler's law. However, as soon as you have three or more masses, you need to calculate positions numerically.
N-body simulations
The simplest model of the structure formation of the Universe are N-body codes which calculate the gravitational forces between a large number of particles that each represent a certain amount of dark matter (say, $10^4\,M_\odot$ for high-resolution simulations, or $10^8\,M_\odot$ for low-resolution simulations, where $1M_\odot$ is the mass of the Sun). At each point in time you can then advance each particle in space according to the sum of the gravitational forces from all other particles. The reason this is moderately simple is that dark matter is collisionless, so you only have gravity to worry about.
Modern-day N-body simulations have billions or even trillions of particles. With, say, $N=10^{12}$ this means that, for each time step, you in principle need to calculate $10^{24}$ forces. However, various numerical tricks exist that result in the number of calculations scaling not with $N^2$, but with $N\log N$, reducing the computational cost tremendously. For instance, for $N=10^{12}$ you now "only" need $\sim10^{13}$ calculations.
One such method (Barnes-Hut) is to only calculate forces between nearby particles individually, while treating more distant particles collectively. Another method (particle-mesh; PM) discretizes space into cubic cells and solves forces in Fourier space where equations are simpler. The Bolshoi simulation that PM 2Ring mentions uses a variety of this method, except that the grid adapts to the density such that a cell in a high-density region is split into eight cells, recursively, and at each time step, the grid adapts to the new density field.
I wrote such a (non-adaptive) PM code once, as a master student; it took me a week, and I knew much of the physics in advance. So that's why I don't think I'd say it's downright "simple", but doable, yes. Here's the result (I'm sorry for the bad resolution; I had to reduce the file):
With N-body simulations you can simulate the cosmic web rather accurately on large scales, including galactic haloes. But the galaxies themselves are made of gas which requires hydrodynamics, complicating the simulations quite a lot. Several approaches exist to this: Arguably the easiest to understand is analogous to the N-body code, but in addition to dark matter particles, you now also have star particles (which are also collisionless), and gas particles. The latter are what complicates the calculations, because gas is not collisionless but has pressure, viscosity, etc. (and even magnetic fields, if you're really crazy). To make the fluid more continuous, the particles are "smoothed" in space, which is why this method is called smoothed particles hydrodynamics.
Another approach discretized space in cells, calculating the diffusion of gas across boundaries. Usually the cells are refined in dense regions to achieve higher resolution without spending computer power on refining less dense regions, similar to the Bolshoi simulation, but with gas. This method is called adaptive mesh refinement.
The different techniques each have the pros and cons. The "moving mesh" method combines the SPH and AMR techniques: Space is divided into irregular polygons that move around like particles, all the time change shape and size, while gas diffuses through boundaries. The Illustris simulation is an example of such a simulation.
With hydrodynamics, you can catch all the intricacies of heating, cooling, stellar population evolution, feedback from star formation and active galactic nuclei, metal enrichment, dust formation, galactic morphology, etc.
But such simulations are most definitely not "simple", requiring years of effort to develop from large teams of (astro-)physicists and computer scientists.