Quite simply, is there any used term for stars that don't have any planets? While contemplating this and doing numerous searches to no avail, I think I found my own answer, but I'm asking here for more input.
The reason I think there is no real term used as such is because there is yet to be confirmed of any stars that do not consist of any planets. I'm aware that we know of stars at this point in time where we haven't identified any planets YET, but that is not the same as actually confirming if planets do or do not exist around the star.
Am I correct in assuming this is the reason why no term has came to fruition yet? Or is there a term used in relation to talking about the possibility of none existing?
I've searched a fair bit for this but haven't been able to find anything. I know that current models show that it's highly unlikely for this to occur, but I'm curious.