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Questions tagged [antimatter]

Questions about material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but opposite charge and properties, such as lepton and baryon number.

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Could antihelium detected by the International Space Station be produced by quasars or magnetars?

Antihelium is very rare. There is a video here about antihelium detected above Earth's atmosphere. Anti helium detected by the ISS Decaying dark matter is one possible source of antihelium suggested ...
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4 votes
1 answer

Could the newly discovered glow in the solar system be antimatter?

Could the newly discovered glow in the solar system be a sparse cloud of interstellar antimatter slowly annihilating with the solar wind? The glow I am talking about is discussed at: https://www.nasa....
Jonathan's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What observations show that galaxies are made of matter instead of anti-matter?

Galaxies are thought to be composed of matter. But what if they are composed of anti-matter? Can it be shown that they are composed of normal matter? What kind of observation could distinguish between ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
2 votes
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How does Hawking Radiation work exactly?

I know that a particle and anti particle, virtual particles, spawn at the edge of an event horizon, and one particle falls into the black hole, and the other goes out, but how does the other know how ...
Programmer's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Can there be planets, stars and galaxies made of dark matter or antimatter?

We know that the universe has more dark and anti matter as compared to normal matter. Can there be dark matter galaxies or antimatter galaxies?
Dark Knight's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the sources of antimatter particles in the magnetosphere?

The PAMELA instrument detected antimatter particles in the Earth's magnetosphere. What are the sources of these particles? The answer to Source of high energy cosmic particles outlines the sources ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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The Matter Anti Matter Asymmetry

The matter anti matter asymmetry is still a mystery that still can't be explained. But what if there wasn't an asymmetry? Isn't it possible that there was exactly equal amounts of matter and anti ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

antimatter annihilation in stars

Electrons annihilate with positrons produced through fusion processes in stars. Which particle interaction produces new electrons so that the sun isn't deplete of electrons? Or is something else ...
Josh Bilak's user avatar
6 votes
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Anti matter in Jupiter magnetic field?

My question is based in this Wikipedia article about the Jupiter magnetic field: Jupiter magnetic field generates plasma and accelerates ionized ...
Carlos Zamora's user avatar
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Scenarios: Abusing a black hole

So a black hole is this large, sphere-blob shaped fluid thing that distorts space and time, making a weird hole in space(even after 5 years, I still don't exactly get what a black hole is exactly and ...
Max0815's user avatar
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Could FRB be the result of matter-antimatter annihilation?

I was listening to a scientific podcast about CPT-symmetry and mirror-universes, and when speaking about matter-antimatter annihilation, they stated that several emissions would occur at this time, ...
Jérôme Beau's user avatar
1 vote
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Why more matter still left after collision with anti-matter?

Question implies all, why is that? Why we exist even after equally creation of matter and anti-matter, any possible exception?
Rahul Singh's user avatar
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Symmetry in Hawking radiation?

I have a question concerning how Hawking radiation works. As I understand, a pair of particle-antiparticle may pop to existence near the event horizon (from a virtual particle). Then it might happen ...
Cincinnatus's user avatar
10 votes
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Is Anti-Dark Matter a thing?

Could there be such thing as anti-dark matter? If there is anti regular matter, why not anti-dark matter? If there is no such thing as anti-dark matter, why?
user16049's user avatar
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What would night sky look like if Earth was made of antimatter

Let's assume that Earth in its current state is suddenly replaced with the Earth completely identical, but made entirely of antimatter. Ignoring meteorites and asteroids which would cause mass ...
Mirac7's user avatar
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Is antimatter present on Earth?

As we all know, antimatter is present across all of space. Is it also present on Earth? If it is present on Earth then by the interaction of matter and antimatter, why don't we feel the energy around ...
Mohd Saif's user avatar
4 votes
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Is antimatter also attracted by gravitational field?

As we all know matter is attracted by the gravitational field of black hole. So, my question is: Is there any possibility of a black-hole attracting antimatter? Can you explain how/why please?
Mohd Saif's user avatar
5 votes
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Conversion of matter into antimatter

Is it possible that the intense gravity of a black hole converts matter into antimatter? Does this mean that matter or energy that goes inside the black hole is converted to antimatter?
ISHAN KAUSHAL's user avatar
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How do we know that other planetary systems aren't composed of antimatter? [duplicate]

How do we know that other planetary systems aren't composed of antimatter? If they never touch matter, then they don't annihilate. All their observable physics (spectra) are the same as matter, right?
Joshua LaJeunesse's user avatar
18 votes
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What are the differences between matter, dark matter and antimatter?

I thought dark and anti matter were kinda the same, but after saw a video, they mention that dark matter is not antimatter but their explanation is a little fast so I got doubts. What are the ...
Alex Sifuentes's user avatar
14 votes
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How can we tell the difference between matter and antimatter by observation in space?

I just was wondering and searching on the internet with little luck in the topic. On Antimatter Wiki they tell the observable universe is built up by matter. I read antimatter can be detected in ...
CsBalazsHungary's user avatar
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Matter and Antimatter Interaction in the early Universe

Well it is said that during the Big Bang, things were created in pairs: one matter and one anti-matter. I think its a part of the Big-Bang Theory. It is also said that matter + anti-matter - Energy ...
NeilRoy's user avatar
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Help in determining the features of an unusual, fictional star system

(Hope this is the right Stack-exchange site for this question) I'm working on a sci-fi RPG campaign, set on a very atypical location. Since this is a work of fiction, there's enough room for ...
G0BLiN's user avatar
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7 votes
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Could dark energy be negative gravity?

Main question: Could dark energy (the mysterious accelerating expansion of the universe) be explained by "negative gravity"? "Spin off" questions: Does antimatter have negative gravity? If ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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If we "turned universe upside-down" and changed all matter to anti-matter instantly

...what would be the immediate consequences? Or putting it better, if (from big-bang or whathever), the universe were always made of what we call Anti-matter what would it be? The scientists of this ...
Bruno Alessi's user avatar
12 votes
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Where is all the antimatter?

The universe supposedly started off with equal parts matter and antimatter and they are said to annihilate each other. Also, nature is famous for it's balance between everything. So all we see is ...
Ranveer's user avatar
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