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Questions tagged [antimatter]

Questions about material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but opposite charge and properties, such as lepton and baryon number.

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14 votes
1 answer

How can we tell the difference between matter and antimatter by observation in space?

I just was wondering and searching on the internet with little luck in the topic. On Antimatter Wiki they tell the observable universe is built up by matter. I read antimatter can be detected in ...
CsBalazsHungary's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Symmetry in Hawking radiation?

I have a question concerning how Hawking radiation works. As I understand, a pair of particle-antiparticle may pop to existence near the event horizon (from a virtual particle). Then it might happen ...
Cincinnatus's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Help in determining the features of an unusual, fictional star system

(Hope this is the right Stack-exchange site for this question) I'm working on a sci-fi RPG campaign, set on a very atypical location. Since this is a work of fiction, there's enough room for ...
G0BLiN's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Can there be planets, stars and galaxies made of dark matter or antimatter?

We know that the universe has more dark and anti matter as compared to normal matter. Can there be dark matter galaxies or antimatter galaxies?
Dark Knight's user avatar