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How to Distinguish between Temperature and Doppler effect using Black-body radiation?

I understand that the radiation of a body can be described using the curve for black-body radiation. In the sense that a hotter body will be blue shifted and a cooler body will be red shifted. The ...
Marcelo Fonseca's user avatar
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How far can a star's visual colour deviate from black body radiation?

The primary driver of a star's colour is its temperature, by way of black-body radiation. Black body radiation restricts stellar colour to a narrow slice of the full RGB spectrum. However, all stars ...
Ingolifs's user avatar
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Blackbody curve in RGB for objects less than 1500 K?

We know the colors of stars that have a temperature greater than 1000-1500 K, shown here. However, I am wondering about those stars/brown dwarfs with surface temperatures of less than 1500 K. Is there ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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Does most of the Sun's energy and light come from its black-body temperature, due to its massive size alone? Constant crashing of particles?

Stars have to be a certain size to initiate fusion to begin with, correct? Isn't this why brown dwarfs are considered 'failed stars'? But wouldn't the Sun (and other stars with sufficient mass, like ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Where can we find astronomical real world data (spectral radiance and wavelength particularly) of a star?

I have my college project and I thought of finding the temperature of a star with the black-body curve of star but i need real data. I searched but can't find the thing what I want. all I am getting ...
shinigami's user avatar
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What does the Reddening line represents in this U-B vs B-V plot?

The plot is from this paper (pg-8). They have also talked(in the same paper) about how central stars from galactic longitude range $20^\circ-80^\circ$ will have a very unusual Reddening line (pg-9). ...
Vampy's user avatar
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