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Pendulum clock correction

I'm trying to solve this task: The pendulum clock was transported from the Earth's equator to Antarctica (in the vicinity of the southern geopole) for scientific experiments. Estimate the pendulum ...
ALiCe P.'s user avatar
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what is the time mentioned after date (1962-07-03+02:00) the +02:00? [closed]

i was retrieving a some personalities birthday date through computer programming when i retrieve a person's birthday the result was ...
Sivashanmugam Kannan's user avatar
2 votes
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Hour angle sunrise calculation problem

I am trying to program a sunrise/sunset calculator using this formula tutorial. If you follow the steps, eventually you get to this formula for "H" (the "hour angle"): $H = \arccos( [\sin(-0.83) - \...
ryvantage's user avatar
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