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4 votes
3 answers

How can ultraviolet planetary images help us in research?

Recently I was browsing through Ultraviolet images clicked by Cassini, Galileo and Hubble Space Telescope on OPUS and though they all seemed quite attractive, I couldn't quite figure out what all ...
Dhruv Nayak's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Whether the comet is moving in an elliptical or hyperbolic orbit around the sun?

The time of observation after the first observation (in years), the distance between the earth and the comet (in AU) and the angle between the sun and the comet (in radians) is given. How to find ...
Haris Ansari's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

I have a question about the wording in a paper about a planetary system and comets

I was reading a paper. This is the paper: ( In the method section in the second paragraph there is a bit ...
programmingWolf's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Do some comets spin? If so, how fast?

The GIF below is copied from my question earlier What might a CN filter be in the context of comet watching? Is it showing dust, or gas, or something else? where I'd said: In this post on the website ...
uhoh's user avatar
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