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Questions tagged [conjunction]

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7 votes
2 answers

Venus' magnitude during inferior conjunction

I was doing an assignment on Stellarium when I observed Venus to have an apparent magnitude that didn't become less negative than -3, even at inferior conjunctions when we faced the dark side of Venus....
Diaa Eldin Malek's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

When was the last time a great conjunction coincided with a solstice?

This December, a great conjunction will occur nine hours after winter solstice, which means that for much of the world the two events will be on the same day. When was the last time a great ...
Max Radin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Are we seeing a conjunction these mornings?

I have a doubt about planetary conjunction. These days, we can see Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon close to each other. I mean if Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon were in conjunction with each ...
VansFannel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Finding Quintuple Planetary Alignments with SkyField

I am working on a python script that will use the SkyField and SciPy libraries to find quintuple planetary conjunctions and their corresponding constellation location. Specifically I am looking for ...
Joshua Besneatte's user avatar