Questions tagged [crater]

Questions about a depression on the surface of solid celestrial ojects, use also when asking about maar or caldera.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The presence of maars on the Moon

Wondering if there's any evidence to date of the existence of maar craters on the Moon? If not, how probable is it that the moon ever supported the necessary conditions for maars to form? A report ...
samiant's user avatar
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How can lunar pits be distinguished from craters?

ESA's news En route to exploring lunar caves features the following paragraph: The Moon's surface is covered by millions of craters, but it also hosts hundreds of very steep-walled holes known as ...
B--rian's user avatar
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Any benefit for analyzing the depth of craters across the surface of a planet?

I would like to know what conclusions one could draw from mathematically analyzing the depth of various craters across the surface of a given planet, and then relating that to their position on said ...
Vinayak G.'s user avatar