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Cosmological redshift to distance calculation: Why are imaginary numbers involved?

I was looking at this question and read through the linked article When I was attempting to compute the distance between two galaxies using the following ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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How to calculate moon's distance and parallax in it's altitude

I'm trying to calculate moon's parallax in it's altitude depending on the day I need and I followed this formula by Basics of Positional Astronomy and Ephemerides but I need to calculate ...
Ahmed Dyaa's user avatar
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Converting parsecs to light years in the dumbest way possible

I have to convert 132 parsecs to light years and I'm struggling to get the expected result. Here is my method: $132 \text{ pc} = 132'' = 2,2' = 0,03(6)°$ I have an equation for stellar parallax which ...
xenfoulis's user avatar
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How do you go from transit times to Earth-Sun distance?

In the early 18th century, Halley described a method to determine the value of the astronomical unit by observing a transit of Venus from multiple locations on Earth. How do you go from the transit ...
usernumber's user avatar
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Calculating distance from center of mass of two stars in a binary system

I am confused on how to calculate the distances for each star in a binary system to their centre of mass. I am trying to solve it from a book I am reading which shows the solution but I do not ...
WDUK's user avatar
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How to calculate how much of the Earth's (or another planet's) surface is visible? [duplicate]

My latter three questions remain unanswered but I won't wait with this one, I'd like to learn the formula and hope this question gets an answer. As you're going higher respectively farther away from ...
Ioannes's user avatar
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How to calculate the distance to galaxies with standard candles?

I was wondering how the distance in Mpc could be calculated between Earth and a galaxy using the luminosity provided? Do not be shy to use all math necessary :) Clarification: Luminosity is inversely ...
Pedro de Oliveira's user avatar
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How far away is this galaxy?

Arp 299 is in the news, with most sources reporting it as 140 or 150 million light-years away. But what kind of distance is this? The paper which is trhe source for the news item has Supplementary ...
Charles's user avatar
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Triangular Asterism Trigonometry between Alnitak, Saiph, and Sirius?

I am using the SIMBAD database for Alnitak, Saiph, and Sirius: ...
Odys's user avatar
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