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3 votes
1 answer

Are these craters on the moon during eclipse

can somebody confirm that what im looking at are craters on the moon? This was taken during the 2024 eclipse from illinois with my S24 ultra iso250 115mm -2.0ev F3.4 speed 1/10000. thanks
SupaD75's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the apparent size of the Earth and Sun from Moon

Wanted to understand how lunar eclipse will look like from the Moon. What is the apparent size of the Earth and Sun from Moon. How to calculate it. How much Earth will cover Sun during lunar eclipse ...
jrp's user avatar
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What are the odds of a planet with an eclipse every time the moon rotated around the planet?

If the orbital plane of a planet and its moon were sufficiently aligned, the moon could cause a solar eclipse every lunar month. What are the odds of that happening? To answer, I would guess that one ...
user121330's user avatar
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Why are paths of solar eclipses symmetrical around a January 2015 axis?

My cousin, James Andrews, observed that the paths of eclipses before and after Jan 2015 form a symmetry. Here is a visual description I know there's a logical explanation, but it's been ascribed a ...
effbiae's user avatar
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Fixing satellite eclipse equations from textbooks that are seemingly failing

I have tried implementing equations from two different textbooks in Python to find if a satellite is in eclipse, but both fail a significant percentage of the time when tested against data from ...
Michael Bonnet's user avatar
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What determines the length of an Eclipse season?

The length of an eclipse season is between 31 and 37 days (Wikipedia). But when is it shorter and when is it longer? My thoughts: When the Moon is closer to us it has a bigger angular size, which ...
George Lee's user avatar
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Anomaly in official video of the today's solar eclipse

I watched an official nasa video of the solar eclipse that happened today. - link to the news channel where the video was posted, not original. At the fifteenth second of ...
Vladimir Orlov's user avatar