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Questions tagged [globular-clusters]

Questions about large, dense, massive collections of stars orbiting galaxies, thought to have formed in the early universe.

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7 votes
1 answer

What cluster of stars is this with a "dark donut" to one side?

In the 2011 Sixty Symbols video Spy Satellites (from Deep Sky Videos) after about 01:44 amateur astrophotographer Nik Szymanek shows an image of a cluster of stars ...
uhoh's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

How would the night sky look from inside a globular cluster?

When the weather is clear, we can look at the stars. And we normally would see several thousands of them, they all being more than a $\textrm{pc}$ away from us. Now, there are globular clusters, ...
Alexey Bobrick's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Why aren't globular clusters disk shaped

I thought that solar systems and galaxies are disk-shaped because that is the most stable shape under gravitation. Globular clusters are very old, often times older than their host galaxies, so why ...
griffins's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Are there really confined Globular Clusters?

I am trying to find real physical examples of (self-gravitating) astrophysical systems that are appropriately confined and can thus be seen as in equilibrium. Modelling-wise, you can theoretically put ...
FriedBarking's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Is this paper on globular cluster stability still up to date?

I'm looking to better understand the stability of globular clusters for an n-body dynamical simulation, specifically with respect to initial data conditions. I know that the total potential energy ...
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