Questions tagged [kinematics]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can this ppxf fit work?

I am trying to do kinematical analysis of spectra using ppxf-algorithm from Capellari. The velocity dispersion I get seems to be to high and I am not sure what the reason could be. On the website of ...
trynerror's user avatar
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how to plot Gauss-Hermite moment maps from arrays of star velocity values in Python?

I want to calculate Gauss-Hermite moments, such as h1,h2, h3, h4 moments from the values in an array of numbers which represent velocity distribution of stars in a galaxy. How would I fit a curve to ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Virial coefficient when computing dynamical mass enclosed by a rotating galactic disk of gas

Suppose I have a large thin disk of rotating gas in a galaxy -- the disk has a maximum inclination-corrected $V_{max}$ and a maximum radial extent of $R_{max}$ corresponding to that $V_{max}$ ...
quantumflash's user avatar