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Calculating Angle Between Two Planets In Heliocentric Orbit

My goal is to calculate the retrograde of Mercury. What I've been working from is the book, Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator 3rd edition. I've made some progress, but I seem to be stuck with ...
Misfit's user avatar
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What would the Earth's peri- and aphelion have to be in order to have the same seasons due to its orbit?

Imagine the Earth had no axial tilt but had seasons due to a very elliptical orbit. How elliptical would the Earth's orbit have to be in order to have about the same seasons as it has now (just with ...
Greenhorn's user avatar
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After what time interval do the closest approaches of Mercury to the Earth repeat?

The sidereal period of Mercury's revolution is 88 days and the synodic period — 116d. my solution, but in the question featured "the greatest rapprochement." And this is no longer so easy. ...
марат's user avatar