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More recent data and simulations of "Milkomeda", the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies?

The headline Hubble Telescope Spots Two Galaxies in a Doomed (but Dazzling) Dance; The galaxies will ultimately crash into each other was probably overstated as seems to be policy in some ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Help with simulating long-term orbital dynamics of exoplanetary systems using Rebound

I am a junior in high school working on an independent research project and I need help because I've reached the limits of my knowledge. My goal is to simulate the long-term orbital dynamics of ...
HSStudent's user avatar
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Simulation and its necessity in astronomical research

I was wondering if mainly everything in Astronomical and Astrophysical was dependent on Simulations then what are the educational requirements are necessary to qualify as the Simulation Expert. What ...
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