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Questions tagged [nebula]

A collection of ionized gases and dust in interstellar space

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9 votes
3 answers

Are nebulae only visible from a distance?

There's plenty of data about the density of nebulae, and obviously they're pretty thin. This is space, after all, and these things are really, really big. But I'm wondering about the practical ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

How many stars and galaxies can be seen by the naked eye?

How many of the luminous dots that we see naked are galaxies and not stars from our galaxy? I imagine that the majority of the luminous points that we see naked eye during the night, are actually ...
Mario Stefanutti's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is there billowing dust in nebulae?

Why do some nebulae look like the billowing clouds? Wouldn't that require something like a viscosity in empty space?
user342's user avatar
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