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Questions tagged [nebulae]

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Do stars passing through molecular clouds cause lightning by their friction separating charges in the cloud?

Can stars passing through molecular clouds or even perhaps golbular clusters doing this, cause lightning in the clouds?
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6 votes
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Can there be free electrons in interstellar gas in the long term?

If I'm not mistaken, in interstellar gas, there can be clouds of free electrons (not "attached" to any atomic nucleus) But can they stay like that indefinetely? Or will they inevitably end ...
vengaq's user avatar
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How rare are nebulae which emit H-Beta/H-Gamma/H-Delta? (Balmer series) [duplicate]

Most of the visible light emission nebulae have a lot H-alpha emissions, and because of that appear red. But why are other Balmer emissions much rarer? Do they need a hotter environment which is ...
jack_O'Dim's user avatar
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Star forming regions

Some star forming regions, like Bok globules (which contain stars that still haven't dispersed their molecular hydrogen and cosmic dust shell) appear dark compared to the rest of the H II in which ...
jack_O'Dim's user avatar
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Did liquid helium help the solar system to form by cooling the nebula that collapsed to form it?

Was the gas cloud that collapsed to form the solar system cooled by liquid helium at some point in time? I ask because the Cosmic microwave background had a temperature around 3K when the solar system ...
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When gravitational waves pass through a star or gas cloud do they cause mixing of plasma and gas?

Does the compression and stretching of space stir up molecules and atoms?
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7 votes
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What kind of nebula was the Sun formed from?

I was just wondering what type of nebula did the Sun form from because mainly there are 5 categories: emission nebulae, reflection nebulae, dark nebulae, planetary nebulae, and supernova remnants, so ...
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38 votes
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Why are the Pillars of Creation pillar-shaped?

The Pillars of Creation have a strong directional sense. They are referred to as "pillars" and another question asks how "tall" they are. Naively, it looks as if there is a source ...
Mark Foskey's user avatar
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If you could get up close to them, what nebulae would be the most visually impressive to your naked eye?

Pop cult sci-fi movies like to show nebulae as they appear in photographs, but to a live, real-time viewer: these dazzling, snazzy and amazing backdrops to spaceship flying in front of them in real-...
The_Sympathizer's user avatar