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Why wouldn't a planet's orbit precess in a 2 body Newtonian universe?

If the whole universe was?were just the Sun and Mercury, in a Newtonian universe, what would its orbit look like? A circle or an ellipse? And why? I know the Sun is so much more massive, than Mercury, ...
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Are short-period comets more stable (in their orbits) than long-period ones?

Why the sharp distinction between short-period (P) comets of less-than-200-year orbits and those (C) with even slightly longer ones? To explore the possibility that it has to do with stability, I will ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Gravitational Slingshot

If a spacecraft slingshots around a planet P (with escape velocity V) at an angle $\theta$, I understand that the resulting velocity is $${ v }_{ 2 }=({ v }_{ 1 }+2u)\sqrt { 1-\frac { 4u{ v }_{ 1 }(1-...
DarkRunner's user avatar
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Orbits using Newtons laws

I am making a small orbit simulator. I figured out Kepler's laws and know how to work with them to "update" an orbit based on time. So now I want to know how I can describe orbits with newton laws. ...
GR00G0's user avatar
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How can I predict space directions?

Did the Neptune and Pluto trajectories ever cross or was it a mere reclassification? Do studies say that I can predict an intersection between 2 trajectories or movements based on data now? Do I have ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar