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Automated (and hopefully free) systems I can subscribe to sending email or SMS text message when the T Coronae Borealis Nova becomes visible?

My earlier question about predicted potentially observable events Has a gravitational microlensing event ever been predicted? If so, has it been observed? is limited to microlensing. Now I have just ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How can photoionization release photons? As in the coronal emission of a nova star?

The photoionization process absorbs energy (light), it doesn't release it.... So how can some astrophysicists say that photoionization releases the light responsible for the coronal emission of a star ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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How much time do I have left to easily spot the recently brightened Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi with binoculars and mild light pollution?

Excellent answers to Binocular-friendly star map to find the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi? provide some helpful maps for circa 8° FOV binoculars, but due to spatial and potential meteorological ...
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