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Hydrogen Frost Line? Where, if anywhere, is it cold enough for Oort Cloud objects or rogue planets to have solid hydrogen on their surfaces?

I like the idea of Oort Cloud objects all being crusted with a thin layer of hydrogen snow, though what little information I've managed to find on the topic seems to imply that that is unlikely, ...
Mr. Nichan's user avatar
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What is the word for space that is in the solar system, but outside the heliopause?

Wikipedia says the definition of interplanetary space is the region dominated by the interplanetary medium, which extends out to the heliopause where the influence of the galactic environment ...
kim holder's user avatar
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Lack of objects between heliopause and Oort cloud?

If we take a look at a logarithmic scale of the Solar System, there appears to be a large gap between the heliopause and the Oort cloud: Why is that? There are some objects in the gap, but why are ...
Sir Cumference's user avatar