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2 answers

Is there a way to find polar star after identifying Orion's belt?

Usually the polar star is identified based on Pointing stars in Big dipper(saucepan) shape.. Compared to big dipper, it is easier to identify Orion's belt. Would that help me to identify Polar star?
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to locate nebulas visible through AstroMaster 114 telescope without device assistance?

I will be going to the desert this month and it's my understanding that the night sky will be very dark there. I've got some practice locating the planets but I'd really like to get a look at a nebula ...
S. Imp's user avatar
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3 answers

Orion Constellation request

This isn't a question so much as a request. I'm looking for an image of the Orion constalletion I could use, but I would like to have a very high resolution HD image, whereby a lot of the deep sky ...
MichaelJRoberts's user avatar