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2 answers

Why do red dwarf (M-type) stars give off such violent flares and CMEs, out of proportion to their size and temperature?

Dr. Becky (Smethurst) just posted a new YouTube video mentioning, as I have heard many times, that it might not be possible for life to form on planets around Red Dwarf (M) stars because they would ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Could double planets in red dwarfs water-habitable zones be stable?

Red dwarfs are so dim that planets in the water habitable zone end up tidally locked to their star. Locking may good for habitability: among other advantages, no axial tilt means less swings of ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
2 votes
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Does habitable zone take tidally locked bodies into account?

Imagine a tidally locked planet orbiting a red dwarf, where habitability is not situated close to terminator zone, but on a "small" cap normal to incident starlight (zenith) with permanent average +15 ...
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