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15 votes
7 answers

How to describe the Sun's location to an alien from our Galaxy?

Let's say you got to the planet orbiting other star in our Galaxy through the wormhole. You think that the travel was instant but you're not 100% sure and it is not exactly known. The planet is ...
J. A.'s user avatar
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Demonstration- formula for angle between horizon and ecliptic

The most precise and quite intuitive formula I could find online is here: $$\cos I = \cos ϵ \sin ϕ − \sin ϵ \cos ϕ \...
astrid lovespie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Celestial Coordinates and Sun's degrees below horizon

I am struggling to understand the how the coordinates work. Example: At vernal equinox RA=0 DEC=0, Does this mean the Sun is at its highest point at the equator? If my mean solar time is 2h 30min, ...
Niki11's user avatar
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At what time of the day of autumnal equinox the Sun's equatorial coordinates reach max value?

I'm trying to solve this task: At what point in time of autumnal equinox day, at sunrise or sunset will a) the declination of the Sun b) the right ascension of the Sun reach the maximum value? I'm ...
ALiCe P.'s user avatar
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How is the incidence angle of the Sun related to the lean angle of the Cooks pines?

Auracaria columnaris (Cooks pine) on average lean towards the equator. Most of the pines in the Northern Hemisphere lean southward and most of the pines in the Southern Hemisphere lean northward. ...
Connor Garcia's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to calculate geocentric transformation to heliocentric coordinates?

I have Sun data (lon+lat+distance) in geocentric coordinates: but I want to visualize in heliocentric way. How to calculate that?
faizin F6's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Different times of sunset at the same location due to elevation

Me and my friend were watching the sunset on the same location (at my country the latitude is approximately 40 degrees). I am at sea level and my friend is at an elevation. He observed the sunset with ...
justaguest's user avatar
0 votes
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Calculating angle between the sun and a perpendicular to earth given lon/lat & time

If you had your longitude/latitude, and the time/date, how could I go about working out the angle between your normal and the sun? At first I was doing a simplistic approach of assuming elliptical ...
BinkyNichols's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Latitude of given altitude of Sun

From Question #6 of USAAAO First Round 2018 (1 point) For the following problem find the range in which the answer lies: on the day of summer solstice, on which geographic latitude is the sun ...
Chooi Je Qin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the sun flipped on the other side of the world?

As the orientation of the moon is different in the northern and the southern hemisphere, is the orientation of the sun different in both hemisphere? Does a sunspot appearing in the Sun northern ...
zon kabouter's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is the longitude assigned to sunspots spherical or projected?

Sunspot maps are created from a projection of the sun, so the coordinates of sunspots (or active regions in general) are assigned according to it. Do these coordinates correspond to actual spherical ...
Helen's user avatar
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2 answers

Geographical Point of the Sun

I want to draw a Sun in a 3d scene, so I figured the easiest way would be to calculate the latitude and longitude of the point perpendicular to Sun position and then just move it "up". As a starting ...
bitemybyte's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does it mean that the Sun`s rotation axis is: RA 286.13° , Dekl: 63.87°?

first post here. I found 1 related Question, which has not solved my Problem. SHORT QUESTIONs VERSION: Suns axis is 7,25° tilted from the ecliptic. But in which direction? LONG QUESTION: Nasa ...
Andres Huster's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Calculate position of the Sun in ECEF

I'm making a very basic orbit simulator in C# using the Helix Toolkit. I want to position the Helix lighting object at the sun, but also be able to calculate solar eclipse by the moon and earth for a ...
a_here_and_now's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the abbreviation for solar time, hour angle of the sun?

I understand that the hour angle and declination can be abbreviated as (HA Decl), and rectascension and declination as (RA Decl). The hour angle of a star is of course zero hours at the meridian. The ...
Peter's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting Earth Moon Barycenter coordinate to Geocentric coordinate

I have Earth Moon Barycenter coordinate (J2000) generated from VSOP2013 in Astronomical Units, ...
Muhamad NW's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to get SOHO Satellite images' coordinates?

I'm working with images from LASCO C3 coronagraph I'm able to download pictures from LASCO C3 using this form Then, I want to do some analysis of ...
Maxim's user avatar
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1 answer

Math for calculating the terrestrial longitude directly under the sun with time

I'm trying to calculate the longitude on the earth where it's noon at some time. (That is, the longitude which is coplanar with the plane defined by the sun and the earth's axis.) Here is my python ...
Tim Dierks's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Given a date obtain latitude and longitude where is the sun zenith

Searching is easy to find terminator line (frontier between day and night) or the position of the sun in the sky given a position on the earth and a time; but I can't find how to obtain where is the ...
Black Cid's user avatar
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2 answers

How are East and West defined on other bodies of our solar system?

I noticed that East and West appear swapped on maps of the Sun, even though the Sun rotates around its polar axis in the same sense as Earth. See for example below Sun disk with a Venus transit ...
Serge Stroobandt's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Calculate latitude and longitude based on date and sun

I can't seem to find this algorithm, if it exists. Can you calculate the longitude and latitude of where you are standing based on the date and the angle of the sun? Also, would the algorithm work for ...
Aaron's user avatar
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