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2 answers

Determining the speed of meteor

How to determine the velocity of a meteor from two video data? I want to try to determine the orbit of the meteor, but before that I have to determine the meteor's entry velocity and apparent radiant ...
alphaaquilae's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Earth Versus Catastrophic Meteor

How evasive is the Earth to Catastrophic Meteors? Google says the Earth is approximately 92.96 million miles from the Sun. It also says the suns radius is 432,474 miles. Therefore, it is 93,392,474 ...
Lonnie Best's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there any way a meteor can hit at less than escape velocity?

Note: I have figured out one case: The meteor is splash from an impact on a close-in moon. I'm looking for any path from deep space. My understanding is that anything from deep space will ...
Loren Pechtel's user avatar