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2 answers

Determining the speed of meteor

How to determine the velocity of a meteor from two video data? I want to try to determine the orbit of the meteor, but before that I have to determine the meteor's entry velocity and apparent radiant ...
alphaaquilae's user avatar
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1 answer

can i use heliocentric velocity as a rotation speed? [closed]

In the research of the galaxies, does heliocentric velocity involves space's expanding velocity? and can i use heliocentric velocity by galaxy's rotation speed?
INHYUK PARK's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Does Absolute Velocity Exist?

It seems everyone is on the same page about there being no "absolute velocity" due to the fact that everything is relativistic. However, this leaves me confused. This seems to be disconnected with the ...
Chris Allen's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the standard reference point for measuring speed?

Speed, as we know, doesn't exist without first having a reference point. We then say that the reference point isn't moving at all, and speed is then measured in relation to the reference point. What ...
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