Questions tagged [star-maps]

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11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Star charts showing distances instead of apparent magnitudes?

I am curious as to what star charts would look like, if instead of scaling the size of dots by apparent magnitude, the size of dots were scaled by actual distance from earth. It would be nice to ...
Bruce Simonson's user avatar
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Software to create star maps with custom asterism lines?

I would like to be able to create star maps and charts, but define my own sets of “constellation” lines. I imagine I would need to provide an input file containing pairs of stars which would be ...
Bruce Simonson's user avatar
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Calculating historical star maps from proper motion

I'm working on some software which needs to calculate the position of stars and galaxies visible to the naked eye at different periods of human history. The Yale Bright Star Catalogue gives the ...
John's user avatar
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2D Distorted Star Map for Pasting on Sphere Surface

Are there printable 2D star maps that are distorted such that, when printed, they can be cut (along printed lines) to be applied to the outside of a sphere to represent the celestial sphere, as seen ...
manateed's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as a map that shows the current (not observed) positions of celestial objects?

As I understand it, maps of the sky and three-dimensional maps of the universe all show the observed positions of celestial objects. Are there any maps that show our best guess at their current ...
John Wu's user avatar
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How to plot star map using galactic coordinates and MS Excel graphs?

For some time, I have tried to draw a star map for my story. Primarily for myself to understand the relative positions of stars, plot interstellar travels, and find home (and colony) stars of alien ...
Krišjānis Liepiņš's user avatar
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Child-friendly freely available web-based tool to generate skymap

I am intending to develop a free web-based tool where kids can plot a 2D skymap based on terrestrial coordinates and local time. I am aware of the fact that multiple sites provide already accurate sky ...
Jesse's user avatar
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How should I draw the horizon on a sky map?

Is there any way of drawing the horizon on sky maps similar to the one attached? This is the complete chart in Stellarium:
John's user avatar
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make a celestial map from deep sky images

I take pictures of deep sky objects and I would like to make a celestial map that contains the pictures in the right position in the sky. Ideally something like stellarium. (but in stellarium it's ...
Davide's user avatar
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Calculating the range of visible Right Ascension and Declination from specific location + time

Given a specific date and time, and coordination of a location on earth, how can I calculate (myself, or using a python package) range of visible RA and Dec? For example (but I'm looking for a ...
KeshetE's user avatar
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looking for a plugin or API for Moon-phases and sky-map

I want to create a website that contains star maps and moon phases like mapiful and thatverynight but couldn't find any helpful APIs or plugins. Can anyone help? thanks
JSK's user avatar
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