Questions tagged [supermassive-black-hole]

Questions regarding the most massive examples of black holes that typically reside at the centers of galaxies.

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Gravitational eddies across the galaxy?

I read about natural gravitational eddies that travel in a wave that black holes have. They also have a strong magnetic field. Does those eddies follow magnetic field lines of the rotating black hole? ...
Muze's user avatar
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Super massive black hole mass estimation in literature

What is the most accurate method for SMBH mass estimation? In the literature I could find 5 methods : (1) Marconi & Hunt 2003, (2) Hu 2008, (3) Gultekin et al. 2009, (4) Graham 2007, (5) McLure &...
Satish Sonkamble's user avatar
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Galaxy centre X structure - could this reflect impact of black hole at galactic centre

As reported in this science article X Marks the spot Centre of Milky Way, a X shaped feature is confirmed centered on our galaxy's centre, when looking on from within the plane of the Milky Way. In ...
Cam_Aust's user avatar
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What will be the eventual result of the Milky Ways future mergers?

I am wondering, after the Milky Way merges with Andromeda and other near by dwarf galaxies and globular clusters, will it then merge with galaxies in the Virgo cluster and even Laniakea? And if so ...
RandySavage's user avatar
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Galactic Filaments and their connection to Galaxy centre

If alliptical galaxies seem to a line with their associated galactic filament and that orientation is related to connections between the mass of said galaxy and the dominating central object, which ...
S. Kneen's user avatar
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Does the (relative) distance of the photon sphere from the center of a black hole vary according its mass?

I know that the photon circle or photon sphere is located at around 1.5 times the radius of the Schwarzschild event horizon, but wouldn't it be comparatively further out for smaller black holes? After ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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How many massive black holes exist in AGN-type galaxies?

Most galaxies have a massive (i.e., $m \gtrsim 10^5$ M$_{\odot}$) black hole in their center. Is it known 1) theoretically and 2) observationally what fraction of these massive black holes (maybe as a ...
Daddy Kropotkin's user avatar
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What is the effect of extinction in the accretion disk for black hole mass determination?

I've created a basic model of the accretion disk (AD) by summing up blackbodies following the temperature profile of the AD according to Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) (extensively used in the ...
Lorz.Astro's user avatar
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Details of the M87 Active Galactic Nucleus -- questions of scale

This video describes a scale model of the M87 SMBH (somewhat distorted to live in flat space and for other practical reasons) in which the Schwarzschild radius appears to be scaled to about 10cm, with ...
Steve Linton's user avatar
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How spaghettification is possible at the Event Horizon of a supermassive black hole?

if gravity is too strong then it will break a object apart as gravity is strong enough to break the chemical composition of object why we consider "Spaghettification" relevant in this case ?
avadro112's user avatar
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Spiralling in Galaxy evolution

Could some stars be orbiting galaxies in outward spirals instead of perfectly round circulation? Patterns of matter movement relate strongly to the galaxy centre. A special relationship between the ...
S. Kneen's user avatar