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Questions tagged [synodic-period]

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Birthday question

For X, this month in 2024, he has his 46th birthday on Earth, and, in the same day, it is his 191st birthday on Mercury. How often this happens? Reedit: what is the relation between the orbital ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is the difference in time between the sideral and synodyc month - constant?

According what I read, the sideral month isn't constant (here)1, as well as the synodic month that isn't constant (here)2. Now, as far as I understood, because the sideral month isn't constant ...
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1 answer

Doesn't Gregorian Calendar being started each year on 00:00 cause a huge error in the future?

While Gregorian calendar is a solar year it always start on 00:00 each year. But for sure the Earth completes each orbit around the Sun on different times each year. So if we put January 1 as the ...
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1 answer

What is the duration of a year on the Moon (Tropical/Sidereal period) for orbit about the Sun ? How/why does length of lunar days vary ? Soltices?

The inclination of the lunar equator to the ecliptic is 1.543°. Synodic period or Length of a day on the moon = 708.7344 hours Moon Fact Sheet 100 Lunar Days - Parts I and II
6 votes
1 answer

How would you calculate the "day" on a planet orbiting a red dwarf that is a companion to a larger star?

So the idea is you have an Earth-sized planet with a moon orbiting an M-class star (let's give it .25 solar masses) at 0.2 AU, with an orbital period of 63 days and a 24-hour day. Its orbit has an ...
2 votes
1 answer

How would the synodic period of Venus appear to change if both planets were moved 10 million additional miles away from the Sun?

Let us say that Earth and Venus are both moved 10 million additional miles from the sun. How would the synodic period of Venus appear to change for an observer on Earth? If 584 days is Venus' current ...
2 votes
1 answer

Time taken calculation to reach synodic degrees between planets

I have a software tool which calculate the synodic period with degree inputs with two planets. Synodic Period is the temporal interval that it takes for an object to reappear at the same point in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Calculate how many days left for synodic period from particular planet

One of the many tools used in Astronomy are the formulas used to determine Orbital Motion. There are two basic forms of orbits: Sidereal Period Synodic Period For Jupiter: $$\mathrm{\frac{1}{P} = \...
3 votes
2 answers

defining the period of an year on earth

While it is much simpler to define the duration (time) of ONE complete day (for earth), by simply calling it to be the period between sunrise to next sunrise (which we have currently divided into 24 ...
3 votes
1 answer

Synodic Day and Sidereal Day

If given the sidereal day, is it possible to derive the synodic day of Earth? If a derivation is possible, could anyone illustrate it or point me in the right direction? Wikipedia's Synodic day begins:...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to explain the difference between synodic month and sidereal month by degrees?

Is it possible to explain the difference between synodic and sidereal month by degrees - in the following way? Just recently I learnt about these two types of months, and I want to see if I can ...
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How are various orbital period measured?

How are the sidereal periods and synodic periods of celestial bodies measured from earth? The usual definition of the sidereal period of a celestial body is the time it takes to complete one ...