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Type Ia supernova by fallback?

Is it possible for a massive star of more than 1.4 solar masses (probably around 3 or more but below the threshold for type II) to collapse into a white dwarf and a planetary nebula, then go supernova ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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Can mass loss via accretion occur on stellar remnants?

We know that normal stars can lose mass to a binary companion. But can this happen to neutron stars and white dwarfs? Let's say a stellar black hole is being orbited by a white dwarf or neutron star. ...
slowerthanstopped's user avatar
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What would happen if a neutron star merged with a white dwarf?

We've heard of neutron star mergers and white dwarf mergers. But what would result in a neutron star merging with a white dwarf? Would there be a similar super/kilonova, are there any examples of it, ...
slowerthanstopped's user avatar
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Question about a White Dwarf formula

I have a question regarding the White Dwarf radius formula given on wikipedia, in terms of what units I am supposed to use and what expected values of one variable would be.
DanceroftheStars's user avatar